I was busy cleaning one morning and Jackson was wandering all around the house. He'd usually make a lap around me every couple of minutes so when he didn't appear I went looking for him. I found him in the porch on this little white chair that my dad gave me. Now do you think I could move this chair in front of a nice backdrop and put good clothes on him? Nope I tried a few different times. He is just so adorable no matter what the background looks like!
Ariana was outside buring some energy off! She was having so much fun!
...and while Ariana was outside Jackson watched her from the window!
...and then he got bored and found something else to entertain him.
Jackson's new thing is to hold something to his ear and say "ello, ello" or "bye"
Then there was a Thursday morning where Jackson and I were just hanging out and he came toddling in with the Mrs Buttersworth syrup. I was thankful when I saw the seal was still on there. Mrs. Buttersworth has found a new home on the very top shelf far away from Jackson's little hands!
We got stuck waiting for a train and Jackson was watching it zoom by.
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