Ariana & Jackson!!
Mommy's fav. photo!
Yummy Jackson had cereal for the first time!! He does awesome with it and I've only been hit with flying cereal once and that was only because he decided it would be fun to do raspberries while his mouth was full!!
March 19, 2009
These two photos are funny - he is making all sorts of noises. It was cute maybe he was practicing his car noises for the sandbox?
March 15, 2009
Noah & Travis Frazee came for a visit one night and the boys were very interested in each other!! Of course Noah wanted everything that Jackson had and then would proceed to give it back after a full inspection. In the one photo it looks as if they are having quite the conversation. Noah and Jackson are 3 months apart in age.

Jackson is such a happy little boy!! Mornings are his best time - at around 10am so if you plan on dropping by.....
March 12, 2009
Jackson still doesn't really like tummy time but he is getting better. Often times he will be fine as long as you lay beside him and keep him company!!
March 13, 2009

March 12, 2009

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