Sunday, February 14, 2010

Febuary 2010

I was busy cleaning one morning and Jackson was wandering all around the house. He'd usually make a lap around me every couple of minutes so when he didn't appear I went looking for him. I found him in the porch on this little white chair that my dad gave me. Now do you think I could move this chair in front of a nice backdrop and put good clothes on him? Nope I tried a few different times. He is just so adorable no matter what the background looks like!
Ariana was outside buring some energy off! She was having so much fun!
...and while Ariana was outside Jackson watched her from the window!
...and then he got bored and found something else to entertain him.
Jackson's new thing is to hold something to his ear and say "ello, ello" or "bye"

Then there was a Thursday morning where Jackson and I were just hanging out and he came toddling in with the Mrs Buttersworth syrup. I was thankful when I saw the seal was still on there. Mrs. Buttersworth has found a new home on the very top shelf far away from Jackson's little hands!

We got stuck waiting for a train and Jackson was watching it zoom by.


Winter 2010

I love how winter makes the outside look like a magical fairytale. I hate trying to drive in it!!
Enjoy the pretty winter wonderland

I got up one morning and looked outside and loved the pink glow the sun was giving the freshly fallen snow. I am so happy that I was able to capture it on  the camera!

It was a wall of frost.

We have 6 pairs of Blue Jays that stop at our feeder every day. They are a beautiful bird but also a mean one so look out!

This year I was blessed to have a red cardinal that found my grove a nice place to stay in. I am in awe of this bright bird, perhaps because it is a rarity around here. So everytime this bright red friend shows up he has his photo taken!

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009. We were stranded at Mom's house for 2 days during Christmas. We had a lot of fun all being stranded together but we were glad to finally make it home on the 26th! Chad tried to go home on Christmas day but ended up getting the truck stuck in a snowdrift by our neighbors house. Ariana kept asking when do we get to go home and open presents??
I know I am a little late posting these photos. Hopefully you haven't given up on me!

Christmas lights on the treee.

Jackson trying on Daddy's face mask!!

Jackson on his John Deere 4wheeler from Grandpa & Grandma

What a little smirk!

Loving my new puppy!!

Grandpa Prahm playing the new Wii

Ariana with her clip on earrings!

Is it really??

Oh it is! Meet Ariana's American Girl ~ Gwen

Daddy & Jackson

Ariana & Natzali

I love looking at the stockings with the Christmas lights glowing.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Afternoon playing...

Jackson was having so much fun during his afternoon playing! He loves to play with his cars and trucks on Daddy's fishy table!

Not to sure what this face is all about - but still adorable!

My favorite profile photo of Jackson

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