Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ariana's 7th Birthday

Our little girl isn't so little anymore. She is in 1st grade learning addition & subtraction. She is learning how to read and has spelling tests on Friday's. Seems like it was only a short time ago she was just learning how to walk and talk. Ariana is polite and considerate and we can really see who she is starting to become. As I took photos of her opening her presents I realized that life goes by so quickly, I seem to blink and another birthday or christmas passes us by.

Just for the record..Ariana convinced Grandpa to buy her a few pretty clip on earrings! One of these days we'll go do it for real but right now it's nice to keep her little just a while longer.

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Wilson/Stenzel Wedding

Diana & Frank were married on October 17, 2009. The day was perfect! The sunshine came out and even thought it was cool outside we still took some great outdoor portraits!! The couple requested that we take some photos by the fire truck and also the ambulance... as they are both dedicated. We all had a great time and we celebrated into the wee hours of the morning! Congratulations Frank & Diana!! May you have many many years of happiness!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 5, 2009 Jackson's 1st Birthday

It's hard to believe that the little man is one years old!! Where did the time go? We found out that Jackson LOVES frosting!! In fact a couple days after his birthday I was getting out the cake for dessert and Jackson saw it and instantly started protesting that he wanted some. Thank you to everyone that made Jackson's birthday special. Jackson is a precious miracle that we are eternally grateful for. Every day I look at both Jackson and Ariana and I am once again reminded of how blessed I am.

Jackson & Grandpa Prahm are buddies. It makes me smile to see Jackson reaching out to Grandpa Prahm. He loves to walk around and explore things with Grandpa and he especially loves that Grandpa sneaks him treats!!

Grandpa Jeffers & Jackson are playing with the balloons. Jackson gets so excited to play with the balloons!
These photos were taken on Jackson's actual birthday. Amanda came out to visit Jackson and we celebrated with cupcakes!!

Amanda & Jackson