Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Zoo Trip

It was cool and a bit windy at the Zoo on Sunday but we still enjoyed ourselves!

I know I have this small obsession with waterfalls now! Ever since I learned how to "slow" the water down I can't help but photograph every one I see!

I thought this bird was very vibrant in color and couldn't pass up taking a photo of him.

The two tigers were not happy when we visited there cage! As you can see I caught the one in mid swipe.

The red fox really didn't care that we were looing at him.

Ah yes, yet another water photo by Leann :)

Ariana was so excited to "milk the cow" she even said it felt real!!

Ariana declared that the giraffe was her favorite animal at the zoo this time.

I declared this as my favorite animal at the zoo!

I don't know why but the sight of a zebra always throws me for a loop. It looks like a horse that got painted by a child! lol

Ariana pointing out the monkey to Jackson. Once he caught sight of this energetic monkey his head was spinning back and forth trying to keep up with it. I bet we stood there for 15 minutes. Luckily it was feeding time when were there so that made it even more fun to watch.

Just relaxin' Not a care in the world!

I teased Chad that he went on two bear trips in September and the closest he gets to a black bear is at the Sioux Falls ZOO!!! He says for the record he did get an arrow in one black bear - just couldn't find it.

The best I'm going to get of these two wiggle worms.

Jackson & Ariana both enjoyed watching the fish. Ariana exclaimed "It's Dory!!!"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

September Nature

Every now and again I like to grab my camera and drive around the area to see what I can capture for photos. The flowers are from one Sunday morning while I was waiting for Ariana to finish up at Sunday school. The sunset is from last night. The kids and I drove around and after awhile Ariana asked me "mom are we EVER going to the movie store?" I'm really looking forward to the changing colors! So keep checking back for more natures beauty.

September 2009

Daddy and his little boy. I just love this photo of my boys. It makes me smile. It shows love. I just love everything about it!

Jenalee & Jackson
Yep, Mom turns 50 on Sept. 29. Jennifer & Jenalee planned a surprise party for her and boy was she surprised. It started the day before when Grandma Floretta came walking up to her at the Turkey day parade. If you don't know Grandma lives in Florida so it was quite the surprise. Then the next day mom drove Grandma and Belda over to Jenalee's for a quick visit and she was greeted with all of us on the lawn yelling SURPRISE!!!

Jackson with my dad going for the frosting!!
Celebrating my "New 20's" !! LOL

Eating ravioli!! Yummy!

Ariana is in 1st grade. Where did my baby girl go? She is loving school and doesn't even mind the homework at night. It's usually just a few math problems, spelling words and a short book to read. I'm so proud of her. She has quite a personality and at times I can look at her and see myself at that age. Of course I'd like to argue that I was not that strong willed - that must be Chad's personality coming out.

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