Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall Colors

Once again I had time to myself while Ariana was in Sunday School so I drove around Worthington and found some beautiful fall colors!! Please feel free comment on them.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Renaissance Festival

We went to the Renaissance Festival on September 21 with Jon and Danette. We did lots of walking and of course I took a lot of photos!! Here are a few of my favorite ones. For some reason I had a thing for the old buildings and tried to get some shots of them without people walking around them!!

This little toddler looked so darn cute that I just had to take a photo!!

This flower was in one of the shops we walked through and it was so beautiful that I just had to take a photo!! Danette loved it too and mentioned using that type of flower in her wedding next year!!
Danette took this photo of us!! Wasn't that nice... The burgundy bush was so vibrant behind us.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

While Ariana was in school...

Ariana was away at school on Thursday and I wasn't really sure what to do by myself all day. I took the opportunity to drive up the road and take some photos of these pretty yellow flowers that catch my attention every day.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Shannon's Wedding Photos

My friend Shannon married Adam on August 23. Although I wasn't the main photographer that day I still took my share of candid photos while attending to the personal attendant duties!! It was a fabulous day and a lot of fun. I wish Adam and Shannon many years of happiness.

A Few of my favorite photos

Water drops on a rose up close
Sunset @ Lake Osakis
Sunset in the snow

Double rainbow after a summer shower

One of my photo projects with my photography friends

The lone dandelion

I was taking a lunch break one rainy day and took this photo of the rain on my moonroof in my car.