Saturday, December 20, 2008


It's cold and Blustery out today!! The drifts are piling up and it brings back memories of past snowstorms where you are stranded at home!! We are safe and warm at home and enjoying the time we are spending together. I took a few photos of the weather from the comforts of my house. We all four ventured out to get groceries early this morning and when we came home Jackson decided he wanted to take a little "bear" nap!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

A smile for the day


A few photos from Thanksgiving. I thought I better get these on here before it's Christmas!! The photo of "the boys" is my absolute favorite. Every time I look at it I have to smile!! Melts my heart every time!

Christmas Decorations

This is a collection of my Christmas photos that I took the other night. I was really enjoying taking these photographs and it makes me feel like I can do more then just take photos of people!! It allows me to be creative again!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas Stockings

I just finished Jackson's Christmas stocking. My Grandma Prahm started this tradition. My stocking was made by Grandma, Chad's was made by her friend and the kids were made by ME-mommy!! I am very proud that I could make them as they are very detailed and time consuming. I still can't believe that my grandma made one for each child, all their spouses, the grandchildren and finally the great-grandchildren!! Jackson's kit included 92 steps. This means sequining all the felt and then stitching each individual piece on and then stuffing them as your attaching them to the stocking. I am just glad to be done and wanted to share it all with you.

Ariana and Jackson's Photos

I can't take credit for these photos. We went to a local studio and had the kids' photos taken. I just had to share them with you!!

Happy Jack

Happy Jackson!! He was so happy I just had to snap a few photos of him.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mariah and Dylan

Today was a beautiful fall day. I met with Mariah & Dylan and took some fun photos of them!! We had a great time and took many photos. I have so many favorites that I could decide which ones to post!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nov. 29 - Jackson

Here are a few new photos of Jackson. This first one is him snoozin' in the family room - nice and cozy by the fireplace.

Jackson had his first tub bath last night.